Comedy, jealosusy and intrigue take center stage as a small town prepares for a lawssuit over a sign that reads FAITH, Hometown of Jesus Christ. A lightning-fast read, the last page will have you wishing your stay in Faith could have lasted a few more days, or at least that you had picked up either a Jesus-in-the-Box or a poster of the town’s super-hot mechanic Johnny Cain.

The town of Faith has found religion, and no one is happier than Father O’Brien, who last week was down to one parisioner. The confessional lines are out the church doors, and the oatmeal cookie crosses are selling like hotcakes. At the 4th of July parade the mayor’s 12-year-old-son survived the mock crufixion with only a broken arm and mild head trauma. Everyone, hands in the air. Give it up for Faith, Hometown of Jesus Christ.

There’s a cross burning on a motel lawn, and everyone’s sleeping around. Someone’s plotting the town’s first murder and the mill’s just been robbed of an ungodly sum. Yes, the town of Faith’s got problems, but no one is sadder than Bobby Ray whose ex-girlfriend has just returned. Everyone, let us pray.